i miss you.... - 2003-06-15
"Agreeance?" - 13 June 2003
death - 13 Jun
Yo - 2003-03-23
Hello? - 2002-12-17
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Erin, your entry saying you would be a hedgehog reminded me of a british commercial I saw once. There was this hedgehog, and he walks over to a brillo pad and starts humping it. After a couple of thrusts, he shakes his head and moves on. There's another brillo pad. He humps that one for a little while, then shakes his head and moves on. There's another brillo pad (of the brand name which the commercial was for). The hedgehog mounts this one, takes a couple tentative thrusts, then goes crazy thrusting, his eyes bugging out and everything. Then there's some little blurb about how this company's brillo pads scrub the best.

But anyway, Shane showed that to me. And he showed it to his friends at work, too. And they didn't find it funny.

he was like, "it's a HEDGEHOG fucking a BRILLO PAD. HOW CAN YOU NOT FIND THAT FUNNY?!?!" which was the funniest part because he just freaked out at them.

the end.

PS I have a new kitten and his name is Neo and he is black and white and very cute. soon he will open his eyes and they will be blue. and yes I will post lots of pictures, don't worry.

'til next time, Pam

hedgehogs, brillo pads, and kittens
1:44 a.m. @ 2002-08-20

"But we in it shall be remember'd; we few, we happy few, we band of brothers ; for he today that sheds his blood with me shall be my brother; be he ne'er so vile, this day shall gentle his condition: and gentlemen in England now a-bed shall think themselves accused they were not here, and hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks that fought with us upon Saint Crispin's day."

- William Shakespeare