i miss you.... - 2003-06-15
"Agreeance?" - 13 June 2003
death - 13 Jun
Yo - 2003-03-23
Hello? - 2002-12-17
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K, I think I can safely comment on monstress in this forum. I feel we're a little more hidden than other forums. Plus, it doesn't break personal rules I set for myself.

Firstly, she has the audacity to insult one of my spark members. Be damned! (However, the reason she pissed off original spark member was quite silly. I think the question was taken the wrong way.) Secondly, she insults me not once, but twice!

Really, I tried to give the girl the benefit of the doubt, and to be sure, I'm still reviewing the situation. After all, her original question seemed harmless, but we know the internet can convey emotions or lack thereof in so many unintended ways. I felt the need to make a comment on the situation, and she responded by telling me I didn't articulate myself as an adult!


I'll admit, I don't write in my most eloquent manner in my diary. Why should I? It's my space. However, in the message I sent her, I was far more eloquent and articulate than she is. Case in point: count the "gets" in her entries. In response, I asked her what part of me she found so inarticulate, but she didn't answer. Instead, she deleted my entry. This was because I mentioned that I left out my e-mail address because she knew where I was and I don't like unwanted spam. (Damn that run-on sentence!) Apparently, she thought I was calling her spam. Here, I thought everyone read Andrew's news, the bit about the spiders and the "removeme" in e-mail links. Obviously not. Not only did she delete my response on some imaginary insult, but also she didn't answer a question of mine for the third time! Possibly, she thinks I'm as snide and sarcastic as her. (Which I'm not. Ever notice how sarcasm doesn't convey well over the internet?) Mostly, I think she revels in all this angry attention she recieves.

I hope she answers my question this time around, seeing as she blamed thefields so adamantly about not answering her question the first time around. (Which she did, if only some people paid attention to what they read.)

Meanwhile, monstress is all over spark guestbooks, when she's not all that interesting. She can talk (or write) a good game, but there is little content, excluding yuppy remarks that her fans lap up like kittens to milk.

Seriously, before I responded to anything, I read all offensive entries and guestbook signatures. More importantly, I read her diary. She appeared so intelligent, and I was hoping I'd find some redeeming qualities. All I found were more snide remarks and a deleted guestbook entry.

Some people!

*end rant*

Whew! I needed to vent. On another note, where's the love? For the reals, people! What happened to the salad days (anyone know where that came from?)? I miss our plentiful posts, our little tests that everyone took, our questions that half of us answered. At least Amy has given us reason for her absence, but where are the rest of you?

I'm off to fill my diary with existential ramblings, and I'm in search of the code to make some tests of my own! Unless, y'all can find a Dawson's Creek or Harry Potter quiz before I make one...oh! add Buffy to that as well!

Much love


P.S. DO your homework dammit!

'til next time,

Monstress and other ramblings
9:07 p.m. @ 2002-01-16

"But we in it shall be remember'd; we few, we happy few, we band of brothers ; for he today that sheds his blood with me shall be my brother; be he ne'er so vile, this day shall gentle his condition: and gentlemen in England now a-bed shall think themselves accused they were not here, and hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks that fought with us upon Saint Crispin's day."

- William Shakespeare