i miss you.... - 2003-06-15
"Agreeance?" - 13 June 2003
death - 13 Jun
Yo - 2003-03-23
Hello? - 2002-12-17
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oh boy. okay. so I have to catch up. I'm not doing the handwriting thing tonight though because I'm tired and I just want to curl up with my blanket, cats, and book and read until I go to sleep.

I'm starting to form some really great ideas for the mail art thing. I can't wait to get started. Everything is just creepign up so fast though! Eeeek.

Tap is not a bad friend. And I am sure we all agree. So there you go, Tap darling.

Um. my song. hoo boy. well. you see my boyfriend Shane once wrote a song about me (he writes, plays every instrument known to man, and sings, among lots of other nifty stuff) that was pretty accurate. I don't know where he put it though - I actually don't think he kept it because it made me cry. he probably threw it out. but the song of my life would be written by him, because he's the one who knows me best, and it would be sung by ani difranco because I simply cannot get enough of her voice.

my top five annoying songs:

1. Creed's with arms wide open. god I hate that song. it is not creed, it's overplayed, everyone gets all sappy over it, and it's just another example of our society that gets way way way too worked up about babies. so someone can pop out a kid. big deal. do something worthwhile. I hate that song and I turn off the radio whenever it comes on. Or if I'm at work I go somewhere else where I can't hear it.

2. Pink - there u go. it just gets stuck in my head and I hate it blah.

3. kid rock - only god knows why. when shane and I lived with his sister she used to play this song ALL THE FREAKING TIME. on repeat. she thought it represented her life or something, but that song just makes me sick now. pity, because it isn't a bad song, really.

4. any eminem song - ditto. see above. especially "the way I am"

5. will smith - getting jiggy with it. for some reason this song just bothers me all to hell. dammit.

one last thing, my favourite movies:

1. interview with the vampire

2. the princess bride

3. hackers

4. what women want

5. entrapment

6. the sound of music

7. the nightmare before christmas

8. the little mermaid

9. mulan

10. moulin rouge

11. star wars - a new hope, empire strikes back, return of the jedi. yeah I know they're three movies.

12. the fifth element

13. to kill a mockingbird (the black and white version)

14. ghostbusters

15. harry potter and the philsopher's stone

16. it's a wonderful life

17. ninth gate

18. final destination (sentimental reasons)

19. the blair witch project (also for sentimental reasons, although it never fails to freak me out)

20. american beauty

21. jay and silent bob strike back

22. the prince of egypt

23. fifth element

24. air force one

25. tomb raider

26. coyote ugly

27. everything monty python

there are more, but I can't think. okay. love you all!


'til next time,

pam catches up finally
10:04 p.m. @ 2002-06-04

"But we in it shall be remember'd; we few, we happy few, we band of brothers ; for he today that sheds his blood with me shall be my brother; be he ne'er so vile, this day shall gentle his condition: and gentlemen in England now a-bed shall think themselves accused they were not here, and hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks that fought with us upon Saint Crispin's day."

- William Shakespeare