i miss you.... - 2003-06-15
"Agreeance?" - 13 June 2003
death - 13 Jun
Yo - 2003-03-23
Hello? - 2002-12-17
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Last movie you saw? In the theatres? Probably Saving Private Ryan. I really think that was it. But I'm dragging Grant to see Road to Perdition tonight 'cuz Erin sez.
Last song you heard? Erin, I can't find that Lamb song anywhere. :[ The last song I heard this morning before I left was American Triangle by Elton John. Just now I heard a Cake song on KBCO.
Last thing you had to drink? Apple juice.
Last time you showered? Three and a half hours ago.
Last thing you ate? A white fluff cream donut from Lamar's. Mmm.


What do you most like about your body? My hair, I guess. Natural redheads foreva.
And least? My abs-ish area. I've totally let it go to shit since I stopped playing soccer. Boo.
How many fillings do you have? I think three? Three fillings, three fake teeth. Yep, I'm totally more city ghetto than Molly is country ghetto.
Do you think you're good looking? Yes.
Do other people often tell you that you're good-looking? Yes.
Do you look like any celebrities? A young Farrah Fawcett? I don't really know; that's what my mommy says.
Do you wear a watch? YES. I feel naked without my watch, although I haven't had it in a good couple of weeks because the battery died and I'm too lazy to get it replaced.
How many coats and jackets do you own? Uh.. maybe like, 2 or 3. I'm not a big coat/jacket person, unless it's uber-cold. And even then, I'd prefer a fleece. Or a sweatshirt. I have an assload of sweatshirts.
Favorite pants/skirt color? I'm a big fan of dark denim. Mmm, dark denim!
Most expensive item of clothing? Maybe my dress from Arden B. that I got for the NACURH banquet last year. But I think I got that on sale, so maybe not. Maybe my Birks, or my zippy hooker boots.
What kind of shoes do you wear? I wear an ass-ton of flippies. I love flippies. And of course my Birks. And my zippy hooker boots. They do indeed make the masses randy, as Erin sez.
Describe your style in one word: Style?

-- Your Friends --

Do your friends 'know' you? Most of them.
What do they tend to be like? Loud, obnoxious, vociferous, intelligent, beautiful, vulgar ladies with attitude. And then there's Ben.
Are there traits in you that are universally liked? HaHA.
How many people do you tell everything to? Three. Val and Molly and Ben.

-- Music/TV/Film/Books --

Favorite band ever? Counting Crows!
Most listened to groups? Counting Crows, Garth Brooks, The Ranch, Tinker's Punishment, The Eagles, old Dave Matthews, Edwin McCain...
Do you find any musicians good-looking? NO. Especially not Adam Duritz.
Can you play an/any instrument(s)? I can play yer mama like nobody's bizness.
Type of music most listened to? I guess country. I'm a total fucking hick, and I'm fine with it.
Type never listened to? I hate music that yells at me.
Favorite book? The Bible. Or The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks.

-- Religion --

Do you detest religion? No. Religion is cool stuff.
How do you think this universe was formed? Eh...too mind bending. Andreas and I tried to talk about this the other night, but our brains twisted themselves into each other and we tired quickly.
If you currently follow a religion, do you think people who belong to another religion are ignorant? Yep, 'cuz I am indeed that ignorant.

-- Homosexuality --

What is the first thing you think when you see two gay guys or lesbians holding hands? "Blah. Happy couples."
Do you detest homosexuality? Yeah I do, 'cuz it's totally my place to judge.
Do you agree or disagree with gay or lesbian couples bringing up children? Dood. Anyone who wants to bring up children so I don't have to is good in my eyes.

-- General Questions --

Whom do you believe is the smartest PERSON alive at the moment? Oh. Smartest PERSON, as opposed to smartest possum. Got it. My pa-pa is pretty smart.
What do you prefer, a sunny or rainy day? Depends on my plans for the day.
Do you consider yourself lucky? I prefer the word "blessed."
Do you feel pity for people who commit suicide? I feel pity for their families, 'cuz I can only imagine their emptiness and desperation. I mostly feel sad for people who kill themselves...
Choose one word to describe how you feel most often. Loved.
Do you own any plaid clothing? BJ's plaid pants.
Do you own Converse shoes? Neg.
Do you own Saucony shoes? ?
Do you own old school Nikes? NO! Adidas forever.
Do you wear tight pants? Not as often as I wear tight skirts. What?
Is there more than one zipper in your pants? No--did these questions come from 1987? Haha... Erin's funny.
Do you know what a squatter flap is? Isn't that a type of pancake?
Do you own a messenger bag? A couple-three.
Do you wear your messenger bag across your chest? Duh.
Do you own braces? Do I own braces?
Are braces worn anywhere besides the mouth? Sure.
Do you have short, shaggy hair? Shit yeah. Emo-boy hair forever.
Does your hairstyle exceed a height of 3 inches? Neg.
Would you classify your hair as a deadly weapon? Dead sexy, baby. What?
Do you think mohawks are "neat"? I kissed a boy with a mohawk once.
Is your hair black or red? RED, motha'fucka'.
Do you have a favorite brand of hair dye?
Do you own a bandana? Yes. It's yellow, and I got it at IACURH two years ago on hippie fun day.
Do you wear plugs in your ears? Dood, what?
Are you amused by safety pins? No. I h8 those things.
Have you ever used duct tape as a sewing substitute? Neg.
Do you own one or more objects with studs or spikes in them? My flippies have rhinestones. Does that count?
Do you own one or more articles of clothing from Dogpile, Lip Service, or Tiger of London? Did you just make those up?
Do you enjoy leopard print? Not so much.

-- Habits/beliefs --

Are you disgruntled (having a general hate for everything)? Thanks for clarifying the meaning of "disgruntled." No I am not.
Are you an anarchist? Haha.. at first I thought that said an anti-Christ. Either way, no.
Does the American flag anger you? No.
Are you "working class"? Hell yes! Blue collar 'till I die.
Do you dislike "preps"? I dislike "snobs".
Do you dislike Hot Topic? I dislike that they sell Thursday shirts.
Do you smoke cigarettes? Gross, no.
Do you smoke cloves? Only Molly's. HaHA.
Are you a thin waif? yes/no.
Are you vegan/vegetarian? No. I'm a hardcore meat-eater.
Do you think meat is murder? No. I think murder is murder.
Do your nighttime activites usually involve drunken underage vomiting? THAT FUCKING NELLY SONG IS ON IN THE WAREHOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And no.
Have you ever slept in an alley or park? I slept in Central Park once.
Do you wash your hair less than once a week? No. I wash it everyday.
Have you ever gone a week without a shower? We used to go like, five days without a shower at camp.
Have you ever been avoided due to your odor? Uh?
Do you know who Jack Kerouac is? Of course. He wrote about Denver, kids.
Do you like Mr. Kerouac? I hated On The Road.
Should Mumia Abu-jamal be freed from prison? YES! That case is so angering. Worse than the West Memphis 3 case, even.
Are you a member of the Makeout Club? Haha. No.
Do you say "rad"? Dood. I say rad like it's my job.

Age: 22
Birthday: 12 Nov 79
Sign: Scorpi-hoooooooooo
Location: Denver.
School: NO.
Status: In a relationship, or something.
Crush: Duh.
Virgin? Hell nah.
Natural hair color: Strawberry-blonde.
Current hair color:see above
Eye color: Blue.
Height: 5'3"
Birthplace: I bet Claire is the only person who knows. Phoenix, AZ
Shoe size: 6, or somethin'.
Parents: Divorced.
Siblings: I don't speak to.
Live with: My mom and sister and stepdad. Blah.

What an excellent work time waster!


'til next time,

sara's half-assed survey.
1032 hrs @ 19 Jul

"But we in it shall be remember'd; we few, we happy few, we band of brothers ; for he today that sheds his blood with me shall be my brother; be he ne'er so vile, this day shall gentle his condition: and gentlemen in England now a-bed shall think themselves accused they were not here, and hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks that fought with us upon Saint Crispin's day."

- William Shakespeare