i miss you.... - 2003-06-15
"Agreeance?" - 13 June 2003
death - 13 Jun
Yo - 2003-03-23
Hello? - 2002-12-17
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� Last movie you saw? uhmm cat's Eye. it's a stephen king movie. drew barrymore is in it. she looks exactly the same at eight as she does at whatever age she is now. except now she has boobs and curves.

� Last song you heard? lauryn hill - every ghetto every city/now playing: lauryn hill - nothing even matters

� Last thing you had to drink? diet pepsi/now drinking pepsi

� Last time you showered? yesterday before I went to the doctor's. and next time I've decided I'm not washing for a week.

� Last thing you ate? a chocolate chip m&m cookie from subway.


� What do you most like about your body? my eyes, but like erin said, eyes are a given. although I do know a girl with ugly eyes, actually. they bug out. hmm. other than my eyes, I guess I like my face in general. I have a pretty face. and great boobs. okay, that's all.

� And least? my legs frustrate me because they are so long and have so much potential, except they are flabby and fat. grrr, legs.

� How many fillings do you have? zero, and none in sight. I have awesome teeth. which is cool, because I only brush once a day and go to bed right after drinking coke. I totally don't even take care of them.

� Do you think you're good looking? of course I do. I think everybody thinks they're good looking, somewhere inside. otherwise why would you go out in public?

� Do other people often tell you that you're good-looking? Shane tells me all the time. the other day a guy in drive thru whistled at me. I pretended to make an orange juice and that i hadn't heard. but I was blushing so I think I gave myself away.

� Do you look like any celebrities? I've been told geena davis, but that was when I had long hair.

� Do you wear a watch? no. I have a silver pocketwatch my mom bought me for her wedding, and I would wear that except I only wear two kinds of pants - my mcdonald's pants and my modrobes. I'm not wearing a silver pocketwatch to work, and modrobes only have one pocket (a back one) so I can't really wear it with them either. so it sits on my dresser.

� How many coats and jackets do you own? four. no, five.

� Favorite pants/skirt color? grey. I love grey. or black.

� Most expensive item of clothing? that someone else bought me? my $400 winter coat with the faux fur collar. that i bought? uh. probably modrobes. $40. haven't I said before that I'm cheap?

� What kind of shoes do you wear? I wear shoes. I have black chunky heeled shoes with square toes, orange and burgundy flip flops from old navy, battered old sneakers from wal-mart, greasy doc imitation shoes for work, leather sandals with chunky platform type heels...I wear every shoe you can throw at me.

� Describe your style in one word: mine.

-- Your Friends --

� Do your friends 'know' you? what friends? Shane is the only person I hang around with offline anymore. of course he knows me. all my other friends are online. and I would say that they all know different parts of me.

� What do they tend to be like? they are friendly friends.

� Are there traits in you that are universally liked? ah, probably not. is any trait universally liked?

� How many people do you tell everything to? one. Shane.

-- Music/TV/Film/Books --

� Favorite band ever? pfft, this is a stupid and unfair question. only teeny boppers have favourite bands ever. so I'm not answering it.

� Most listened to groups? these days: poe, default, puddle of mudd, I dunno. I'll post my playlist sometime.

� Do you find any musicians good-looking? sure, most musicians are good looking. it's all part of the business.

� Can you play an/any instrument(s)? I used to be able to play violin, flute, and guitar. I want Shane to re-teach me guitar, I miss it. plus we bought me (okay, us) a $500 midnight blue electric guitar a few years ago and it's barely been used. I want to play her something fierce.

� Type of music most listened to? well, if Shane has control of the speakers - rock. if I have control of the speakers - everything under the sun, but mostly rock/alternative. some uhh what do they call it these days? that crazy merging of rap/hip-hop/pop music. and I don't even know what to call tenacious d and ben kweller. they are neither rock nor pop nor anything else I can think of.

� Type never listened to? I've *listened* to every kind of music. but I hate country with a passion. I worked in a restaurant last summer and that's all they played on the radio, and I heard the same songs over and over and over again. and they all SUCKED.

� Favorite book? probably the princess bride by william goldman. seriously if you haven't read that, go borrow it from your library now.

-- Religion --

� Do you detest religion? of course not. although I maintain that all religions are organised cults.

� How do you think this universe was formed? somebody probably went "hey, I bet this thing called a universe would be a good idea!" and made it. mhm.

� If you currently follow a religion, do you think people who belong to another religion are ignorant? not applicable. I am agnostic sometimes atheist.

-- Homosexuality --

� What is the first thing you think when you see two gay guys or lesbians holding hands? uh, the only gay guys I've seen holding hands are my ex-friend matt and his boyfriend. and then it was just "aww, how sweet". I've never seen lesbians holding hands. I live in a small christian very discrimatory town with nothing much to do other than drink and smoke and beat up anyone different (there's one black family in this town. one.)

� Do you detest homosexuality? fuck no.

� Do you agree or disagree with gay or lesbian couples bringing up children? I think they'd make better parents than straight people, let's put it that way.

-- General Questions --

Whom do you believe is the smartest PERSON alive at the moment? I don't.

� What do you prefer, a sunny or rainy day? rainy. it cools things off and keeps the customers away.

� Do you consider yourself lucky? I'm one of the luckiest girls on the planet. or most blessed, as sara said. I have a huge home by international standards, I eat way more than my fair share of food every day, I get my garbage taken away every wednesday for a dollar a bag, I can walk on the streets without fear of being raped or killed, I have a wonderful boyfriend who treats me like an equal, I have a job, I have money, I have my high school diploma, and I'm going to college soon. like for fuck's sakes, how much luckier could I be? millions would kill...literally kill...for my life.

� Do you feel pity for people who commit suicide? sigh. this is a hard question. on one hand, I believe it's their life and they can do whatever they'd like with it. on the other hand, I'm so sad that they couldn't find anything else to live for...and well you know, stuff.

� Choose one word to describe how you feel most often. "fine."

� Do you own any plaid clothing? nope.

� Do you own Converse shoes? nope.

� Do you own Saucony shoes? nope.

� Do you own old school Nikes? nope. I tell you people time and time again that I'm cheap.

� Do you wear tight pants? I used to wear tight pants every day at work because I had to wear a size too small. as a result, I also had to wear thongs every time I worked. yesterday my tight pants ripped and so today there are new pants waiting for me at work. it remains to be seen whether they are too small or too big. last i heard the only sizes they had in stock were three sizes too small (eek) or six sizes too big (double eek). mcdonald's sucks.

� Is there more than one zipper in your pants? there are no zippers in my pants.

� Do you know what a squatter flap is? uh, no. do I want to know? no.

� Do you own a messenger bag? I own two.

� Do you wear your messenger bag across your chest? sure, how else are you supposed to wear them? unless you're wearing two, in which case it's more balanced to wear each over a shoulder. then your boobs don't look squished.

� Do you own braces? no.

� Are braces worn anywhere besides the mouth? yes.

� Do you have short, shaggy hair? I do. Shane hates it. I love it. except after work, when I take off my hat, and it's all screwy.

� Does your hairstyle exceed a height of 3 inches? no.

� Would you classify your hair as a deadly weapon? uh, no.

� Do you think mohawks are "neat"? NO. a couple years after we broke up, my ex starting sporting a mohawk around the high school. I could just feel everyone looking at him and looking at me and thinking "she went out with him?". he actually got steadily scummier after I dumped him, and he was pretty bad to begin with.

� Is your hair black or red? it is red. bright bright fire engine red. okay, it's faded a little bit. so it's more of a very red auburn now.

� Do you have a favorite brand of hair dye? feria for store brands. they have the best reds. for salon, whatever the stylist used when she made my hair this wonderful shade of red.

� Do you own a bandana? no.

� Do you wear plugs in your ears? do you wear a plug in your bum?

� Are you amused by safety pins? not really. safety pins are not particularly amusing to me.

� Have you ever used duct tape as a sewing substitute? no, but i have used staples to hem my pants. it looks pretty cool actually, try it sometime.

� Do you own one or more objects with studs or spikes in them? no.

� Do you own one or more articles of clothing from Dogpile, Lip Service, or Tiger of London? who?

� Do you enjoy leopard print? sometimes.

-- Habits/beliefs --

� Are you disgruntled (having a general hate for everything)? not especially.

� Are you an anarchist? I would like to be. but I'm too much of a wimp.

� Does the American flag anger you? not really. it's never done anything to hurt anybody. people are going to act like people no matter which flag they are behind, really.

� Are you "working class"? way too poor for that, baby. okay, I lie. if you look at our income, we are probably actually around middle class or upper middle class. I know, I know. we just don't spend very smartly.

� Do you dislike "preps"? I did in high school. out of high school I think you will find there are no preps. there are just people.

� Do you dislike Hot Topic? not especially.

� Do you smoke cigarettes? no. and please if you're going through drive thru do not blow cigarette smoke in my face. I don't care what you do in your own care, but I'm allergic to cigarette smoke and I also have asthma. keep your smoke in your car. dammit.

� Do you smoke cloves? no.

� Are you a thin waif? hahahahaha! sigh. I was when I was, you know, nine.

� Are you vegan/vegetarian? no.

� Do you think meat is murder? okay, I'm sick of this. you know what, humans were made to eat meat. that's why we have the kind of teeth we do, and that's why our bodies need the kind of nutrients it does. go ahead and eat whatever you want whether it includes meat or not, but don't go around telling people that if they eat meat they've also just committed murder. now that's a little much. nobody tells the animals that meat is murder, right?

� Do your nighttime activites usually involve drunken underage vomiting? uh, no. they usually involve working or sleeping or playing on the computer.

� Have you ever slept in an alley or park? I have slept in many, many provincial parks. you know. campgrounds.

� Do you wash your hair less than once a week? you know, I tried that after I first got my hair dyed because she told me if I could get away with it it would make the colour last so much longer. but alas. I gave up after the first three days.

� Have you ever gone a week without a shower? *think* no.

� Have you ever been avoided due to your odor? not that I know of. note to self: pick up deodorant before work ;o)

� Do you know who Jack Kerouac is? no.

� Do you like Mr. Kerouac? I have never met the man.

� Should Mumia Abu-jamal be freed from prison? who's that and what's happening?

� Are you a member of the Makeout Club? no.

� Do you say "rad"? no. I'm not amused by these questions.

� Age: 17

� Birthday: September 17th 1984

� Sign: virgo. and I am SUCH a virgo, too.

� Location: computer chair.

� School: none at the moment. loyalist college come september.

� Status: a-ok, batman. taken.

� Crush: lots.

� Virgin? by zodiac sign, conventional definition, ah, most certainly not.

� Natural hair color: I don't remember. no seriously, it's a medium brown with lots of different highlights. but it hasn't been that colour since october 99. or was it october 98? I think 98. holy shit.

� Current hair color: racy rich girl red.

� Eye color: olive green.

� Height: 5'9"

� Birthplace: Ottawa Civic Hospital, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

� Shoe size: 11 women's. bigfoot.

� Parents: yes. I have them. mom widowed and remarried.

� Siblings: two - neil, 10, and dorothy, 8. god they are getting big.

� Live with: Shane, my oh so significant other.

'til next time,

pam fills out a long long survey with an hour to go before work
5:23 p.m. @ 2002-07-19

"But we in it shall be remember'd; we few, we happy few, we band of brothers ; for he today that sheds his blood with me shall be my brother; be he ne'er so vile, this day shall gentle his condition: and gentlemen in England now a-bed shall think themselves accused they were not here, and hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks that fought with us upon Saint Crispin's day."

- William Shakespeare