i miss you.... - 2003-06-15
"Agreeance?" - 13 June 2003
death - 13 Jun
Yo - 2003-03-23
Hello? - 2002-12-17
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Ok, two things from each list and why...

I am:

a cheerleader:
It's kind of funny about this. It seems the world is divided in to two people, those who say, "I can totally picture you as a cheerleader," and those who say, "I can't believe you were a cheerleader." I find that in my heart, that's what I am. Ever since I can remember, the only sport I ever wanted to participate in was cheerleading. It turns out, that I tried out once, made varsity, and quit half way through the season. My cheerleading career was enver what I'd dreamed, but it's still what I want to be, and it was my happiest sport. I just view myself as a cheerleader, and that's why it's on the list.

a tomboy:
Heh, diametrically opposed, the cheerleader and the tomboy. Now, tomboy is something I exude; from my pants (rarely wear skirts) to the complete lack of make-up on me or in my bathroom. And, I guess these lists were about those things that pop into your head, that you identify with, and you may not know why, but they just are you.

Things I am not:

pierced or tattooed:
I stopped beleiving in piercings, tatoos, and other forms of bodily punishment several years ago. It's the Bible-thumper in me. I just think of them as poison, really.

a drinker:
Another poison, but more...have you ever noticed those people that have to drink to have fun? I'll admit, I had a summer of craziness, and I have been drunk. I've done really stupid things to. I'd like to believe I'm over that phase, and I know it never ruled me. I just don't understand those people that drink so often, or have to drink to have fun. I enjoy life, not alcohol.

My Anti-list:

This was the first item on my first anti-list. Although, I have taken to listening to the radio. for shame...

I think this is a given for anyone with larger than a C cup. Dude, underwires suck! And you have to wear them to not look all floppy and old, and to even attempt to do something as simple as walk up a flight of stairs. Bleh to bras!

Those I Love:

He's this boy I've known for about five years. He wasn't my first love, he was never my boyfriend, but I believe I'm in love with him. There was always this chemistry, a passion that few relationships have.

I find it very hard to maintain friendships with decent people. This past summer, a friendship of ten years ended to my complete surprise, and I hated it. With Amy, I feel like my bad track record is finally changing.

My Marriage List:

David Quinn
Dude! You totally have to read an issue of SIP. The one wear David tells Katchoo he's in love with her. David is so totally the perfect guy. *swoon*

Abraham Lincoln
Have you ever tried to think of who your first real crush was? I can never come up with that answer, but I'm pretty sure it was Abe Lincoln. I know, I know, he's dead, so he probably doesn't qualify, but it's not like most crushes ever become anything more, right? I can remember learning about him in school, and I thought he was the coolest! I just never got the whole racist thing, and I thought he was the best guy ever for going against it. *double swoon*

Finally; what you can't learn about me from my diary:

Heh, this one is tough, because I don't hold anything back. I have thought of one thing, though:


My measurements

By the way, the rest of y'all can find the original questions here. Come on lazy asses, you won't have to be too original for this, you can just let your mind answer the questions!


'til next time,

My measurements
11:19 p.m. @ 2001-12-30

"But we in it shall be remember'd; we few, we happy few, we band of brothers ; for he today that sheds his blood with me shall be my brother; be he ne'er so vile, this day shall gentle his condition: and gentlemen in England now a-bed shall think themselves accused they were not here, and hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks that fought with us upon Saint Crispin's day."

- William Shakespeare