i miss you.... - 2003-06-15
"Agreeance?" - 13 June 2003
death - 13 Jun
Yo - 2003-03-23
Hello? - 2002-12-17
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I just want the whole lot of you to know that all too many times I have signed in accidentally as "bandofbrie" only to be rejected.


Oh. I remember now.

I want all you broads to tell me why you are single, why you do want a girlfriend, and why you do and/or don't feel you should be defined by a girlfriend.

I am single. I do not choose to be single, really. Well. Actually. I choose to be single as in apart from certain people. But if someone else came along. I would no longer be single. Because, truthfully, I would like to not be single.

It's hard to verbalize this accurately (esp. since my head just started getting fuzzy from exhaustion/dehydration/etc). I don't think an actual person should define me. But I do think it's an entirely different thing to be defined, partially, by a relationship.

Relationships are really a major part of who we are. Who we're friends with, who we work with. So to me it seems silly to pretend that who we choose to date doesn't do the same thing.

Not to say that I think it should be the only part of who you are that stands out. But I think it can be an integral part.

And, if it's equal for both sides of the relationship then I think that that's a good and ok thing.

Anyway. Take this all with a grain of salt, since I am the one who's never been kissed, never dated, never anything. [dramatic sob]

I think this is making me feel pathetic. And lonely. Ha.


'til next time,

Me blabbing.
2:18 a.m. @ 2002-04-13

"But we in it shall be remember'd; we few, we happy few, we band of brothers ; for he today that sheds his blood with me shall be my brother; be he ne'er so vile, this day shall gentle his condition: and gentlemen in England now a-bed shall think themselves accused they were not here, and hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks that fought with us upon Saint Crispin's day."

- William Shakespeare