i miss you.... - 2003-06-15
"Agreeance?" - 13 June 2003
death - 13 Jun
Yo - 2003-03-23
Hello? - 2002-12-17
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Firstly, Jade's Question:

For a moment, I thought I was gonna say biting my nails or picking my nose. (Yes, I pick it. I have this obsession with keeping it clear, and blowing has never worked very well for me.) But then, I took a nap. And I realized my afternoon naps starting as early as 2p or as late as 4p and lasting to as early as 5p and as late as 7p are my worst habit. 'Cause I've never been able to get on that good sleeping pattern all the teen magazines told me I should. And I've never been able to wake with the alarm clock. And I find myself very sleepy when I have to work during the hours I'm usually sleeping. 'Cause in a perfect world, I'd work my own hours (read night) and sleeping second shift wouldn't be a problem, but it's not a perfect world. Hell no!

And now for Thee Survey:

1. names you wish your parents had chosen instead of the one they named you:
None. Mom says I named everything I owned Julie when I was 5, and she seriously considered changing my name. I think I told her to call me Julie. Thank heavens she didn't change my name! I love the name Molly. I love how it's uncommon but everyone can spell it. I love how it makes people assume that with my light hair, blue eyes, and freckles, I must be Irish, though it's an English name. I love it. I don't love my middle name, and I'd change that to Rhodes if I could.

2. what is the last movie you saw? where? with whom? describe.
I saw "High Crimes" (I think) with my mom at the theater. (I don't count rented movies, but I see all those with my mom.) It was fun, 'cause I love Ashley Judd. Plus, there was a preview for Mel Gibson's movie (the one with the crop circles), and the trailer had this part that made me scream. Plus, there was a part in the movie that made me scream. (I'm easily scared with that jump at me stuff.) And I love screaming in movies, it makes me laugh so hard.

3. your dream job is:
Definitely rockstar! I totally want to stand in front of a mic and belt out a hit song to my adoring fans. And then, I'd bust into some dance routine. Or, I could be a punk rocker. Any way, I'd still have time for photography, and that would be a hobby that made me money 'cause of my position. And I'd die my hair blue, 'cause my hair looks great in blue. Man, I would be the coolest rockstar!

4. books you love are:
Bridge to Terebithia, Ping, Petunia, anything Dr. Seuss, The Tao of Pooh, Conversations with God, the Bible, anything Stephen King, My photobiography of Abraham Lincoln, any photography book

5. what did you do last night?
I ate a whole can of chocolate icing, read all my broad diaries, and wrote the piece of the Madonna paper I'm doing for a friend.

6. you guilty pleasure(s) is/are:
Cinnastix, Ben & Jerry's, books (like Rach, I will go book shopping-it was Rach, right?), hot baths, swimming, running, taking naps in the Art Studio, taking naps in the afternoon, taking naps period.

7. cd or tape that's in your stereo right now:
In my car is the mix tape my friend, Claire, made me. It has the entire Newsies soundtrack on one side, and a conglomeration of musical songs and pop songs, including Baby Got Back, Strongest Suit (from Aida), Love Shack, a good song from the Footloose musical, and some songs from a Chorus Line musical. I totally sing at the top of my lungs to this, like the diva I am. In my computer is The Anniversary, Designing a Nervous Breakdown.

8. if you had the option of living forever, would you?
FUCK NO! If I had the choice, I would die right now, in the middle of typing this. All I've ever wanted since I realized most of life is about survival, is to die. I just want to go to heaven. I can't wait to be with God. I dream about it. (But don't worry, I can appreciate my life, and I'd never kill myself.) I just know heaven will be so amazing, and I'm gonna hang with Jesus/God, and be supremely everything.

9. five celebrities (dead or alive)that you would sleep with in a heart beat:
Ok, I'm not sleeping with anyone. I'm gonna go with make-out: Angelina Jolie, Ashley Judd, Patrick Stewart, Brad Pitt, Leonardo DiCaprio. (And why would any of you choose Winona Ryder, blech!)

10. the oldest thing you own is
Peggy the Pig. She's a big, grey, pillow thing with pig ears and a pig tail, and these flappy little legs on the bottom of her that are just pieces of material. I've had her since forever. Since even when I actually lived in the same house as my father!


'til next time,

Questions asked, questions answered
11:16 p.m. @ 2002-04-15

"But we in it shall be remember'd; we few, we happy few, we band of brothers ; for he today that sheds his blood with me shall be my brother; be he ne'er so vile, this day shall gentle his condition: and gentlemen in England now a-bed shall think themselves accused they were not here, and hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks that fought with us upon Saint Crispin's day."

- William Shakespeare