i miss you.... - 2003-06-15
"Agreeance?" - 13 June 2003
death - 13 Jun
Yo - 2003-03-23
Hello? - 2002-12-17
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okay, try number two. I hate computers. but first:

I had a dream last night in which I was pregnant and driving around my town and decided I needed a big mac. but right before I got to the drive thru, I decided I needed to go and pick up monica and sunny. so I did. and we went to mcdonald's and got big macs and strawberry banana shakes and drove around town laughing and singing along with the mix cd sunny made me and it was a pretty cool dream, except that I was pregnant =)

also, I want to grow my hair out so you broads have to support me. coz I don't know if I have the strength to do it alone. last time I tried it got to the ugly stage (read: looked like a bowl cut) and then I cut it all off again. so!


names you wish your parents had chosen instead of the one they named you:

adele. my mom's name is joanne adele alexandra auger <- that's french, don't butcher it s'il-vous plait and I always thought it was the most beautiful name. adele, that is. but I do like my name, pamela francis quinn. adele I can always use for a future daughter I s'pose.

what is the last movie you saw? where? with whom? describe.

I saw die hard with a vengeance in my apartment with shane and it was pretty good although too long for an action movie especially since we started it at 9.30 and I had to wake up at 5 the next morning and how's that for a run on sentence?

your dream job is:

somewhere where I can be the boss for a little bit instead of being the lowest on the command chain and somewhere where I don't have to deal with customers who can't read menus, think they're the gods of the universe, and who can't do anything for themselves. argh. I hate people :) anyway. I'm going to college for advertising, so we'll see how that goes.

books you love are:

jonathan livingston seagull by richard bach. the qu'ran. the princess bride by william goldman (everyone should read that one). house of leaves by mark z danielwski (okay, I haven't read that one yet, but I did buy it and I love to look at it and flip through the pages so it counts).

what did you do last night?

went to the restaurant across the street for dinner and had garlic bread with cheese, a bun, water, chocolate milk, fish and chips (with lots and lots of tartar sauce), and rice pudding with ice cream. then we came home and poked at our expanded bellies for a while. and then we watched a dvd and went to bed.

your guilty pleasures are:

jane magazine. anything chocolate, including my homemade brownies and my chocolate chip cookies and my truffles. strawberry banana triple thick shakes from mcdonald's. blueberry pies from mcdonald's. her.

cd or tape that's in your stereo right now:

the mix cd sunny made me!

(I've got hockey hair, yes I do, something something anyone, that means you, you can drive to canada, and get one too, then you'll have hockey hair like I do hahahaha)

if you had the option of living forever, would you?

this is sad, but only if shane was there. give me a few years and I might be sick of him ;) or if I could spend my days with the vampire lestat and his buddies.

five seven celebrities (dead or alive)that you would sleep with in a heart beat:

mel gibson, bruce willis, milla jovovich (sp), winona ryder, harrison ford, angelina jolie, andyoureallgoingtolaughbutw illiamshatnerbeforehegotugl yandfatandbald.

the oldest thing you own is:

my photo album, with all the photos from my childhood until my grade 11 year.

I want all you broads to tell me why you are single, why you do/n't want a (boy)friend, and why you do and/or don't feel you should be defined by a (boy)friend

I have a boyfriend. but I'm not defined by him. we're both very different people. yeah we finish each others sentences, and know what the other is going to do before s/he does it, and stuff...but he's not part of who I am. if you ask me to describe myself, like I have on my info page, Shane isn't anywhere in there, in who I consider to be my self. my love for him is part of me...but so is my love for my cats, and for chocolate and stuff. you broads probably don't really know what I'm saying here. but we grow and evolve and become different people inside our relationship, and grow with each other, without becoming each other. it's worked out nicely =)

What is your worst bad habit? Mmhmm, worst, bad. Does it bother other people? Does it bother you? Are you trying to break it? Why do you do it?

my worst bad habit is going too fast. I don't watch where I am and I bump into people and things and more often than not spill stuff and break stuff and it's just not pleasant. but it's been trained into me from working at mcdonald's and having to go go go get the food make the drinks ketchup or anything here ya go have a nice day hi there how are you five seventy four please get the drink get the fries get the big mac...etc...y'know? I'm trying to break it, but it's hard.




'til next time,

Pam answers all those questions
9:25 p.m. @ 2002-04-15

"But we in it shall be remember'd; we few, we happy few, we band of brothers ; for he today that sheds his blood with me shall be my brother; be he ne'er so vile, this day shall gentle his condition: and gentlemen in England now a-bed shall think themselves accused they were not here, and hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks that fought with us upon Saint Crispin's day."

- William Shakespeare