i miss you.... - 2003-06-15
"Agreeance?" - 13 June 2003
death - 13 Jun
Yo - 2003-03-23
Hello? - 2002-12-17
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Another entry brought to you by D-

If you could take any movie/cartoon/tv series/etc, and have it be part of your life/live through it, what one would it be and why?

After giving everything much thought and debate, I�d say I want to live during the time portrayed in �Star Trek�. Woo! The future! Starships! Captain�s log, Stardate� Okay, okay. Enough about that. I think it would be so much fun traveling through outer space and meeting different races. Exploring new worlds. Or, in the infamous words of Star Trek, itself, �To boldly go where no man [one] has gone before.� What�s not to love about that? Adventure, excitement, military job� my dream come true.

And question number two, which is virtually related: If you could be one character from any movie, etc (it doesn't have to be from the same as above), who would it be and why?

Lt. Tyler from 'U-571'. The men loved him and respected him. But when he was thrust into a command, he really learned what Commander Dahlgren was talking about. He faltered sometimes, but he never once quit. His dedication was wonderful. He learned a valuable lesson, and was never afraid to learn from his mistakes. Not to mention, he listened to the advice of others.


If you were invisible what would you do?

Okay, I fully admit it. If I were invisible, I'd pull pranks galore. Erm, actually, that's about it. Sure, I'd be tempted to do mean things or such, but I'm not really a mean person... unless someone really got on my nerves.

Oh, I'd also try to scare people... in a harmless way. You know... make 'em believe in ghosts and stuff like that.


which pair of shoes do you wear the most? What can other people tell by looking at them? What do they say about you?

I wear my comfy Sketcher sneakers the most. I've had them for two or so years, and there's rarely a day I don't wear them. I guess, others can tell that I'm not a big fashion person by them, since I'd even wear them with a skirt. Heck, I already have. I guess people can also tell that I'm sort of layed back. As for what they say about me? I guess they say the same thing, too. I could care less about most things. If it's comfy, I'm all for it. Tends? Screw them. 'In fashion'? I make my own fashion.


If you could say something to someone that you never could in the past (because they moved, died, you don't see them anymore, etc. Or maybe if you just CAN'T tell them) what would it be? Names aren't really necessary- maybe just what the person's relationship is/was to you would be enough.

There are so many things I wish I could have told people, but even if I had the ability to do it, I wouldn't. What I've said and done has helped to dictate my path of life. No matter how unhappy with it I am, I know there's no sense in changing it. Things I like may suddenly change... the paradox created would be unpredictable.

I could go back and tell myself to start dieting/working out/losing weight earlier. I could go back and tell myself not to drop out of the University of Evansville. I could go back and tell my brother to be careful putting his BB gun on the table because it might discharge and strike my sister. I could go back and tell my old neighbor (who was an 80+ year old man who lived all alone) that I'd be willing to listen to his war stories because nobody else really wanted to. The list goes on.

But why change things? What is done, is done.

Now back to your regularly scheduled programming.

'til next time,

(Not so) Insightful answers
12:17 p.m. @ 2002-04-12

"But we in it shall be remember'd; we few, we happy few, we band of brothers ; for he today that sheds his blood with me shall be my brother; be he ne'er so vile, this day shall gentle his condition: and gentlemen in England now a-bed shall think themselves accused they were not here, and hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks that fought with us upon Saint Crispin's day."

- William Shakespeare