i miss you.... - 2003-06-15
"Agreeance?" - 13 June 2003
death - 13 Jun
Yo - 2003-03-23
Hello? - 2002-12-17
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Another entry brought to you by D-

For Jessie: In response to your candy question... I like peppermints. Do they count as a candy? Or swedish fish. Ooo... swedish fish. I'm gonna have to make a special run to the store just to buy a bag now. And yes, I'm still looking for pictures and such. Heck, if I find a really good one, I might even whip it up into a layout design and send you a shot to see if you like it. We'll have to wait and see.

Sar: The "Three Plan" sounds real good. Plus, it sounds like it could really work and such. I like it.

Amy: I was reading my youngest sister's "Chicken Run" joke book the other day and I thought of you. The jokes in there were so bad they were funny. I should post a couple every now and then... if I can dig up the book again.

Magic Wand: I'll answer this in a separate entry.

Molly: I absolutely -love- you. That is such a great idea that I'm actually going to do it. I poked around on ebay, and found a -great- journal that would do remarkably. (Yes, that means I'm more than willingly to spend a whole paycheck if it means getting it). As well, I snagged myself a pack of old style parchment paper to write on and stuff for letter type things (hee). But yeah. Hook me up with some quill pens. Plus, the pack of paper I snagged would make excellent scratch paper so I can perfect my lettering and such. Yes, that means I'm going to study some samples of old style writing (or printing) and base a style off of it. (And I'm more than happy to be your bitch)

Nicole: I'm planning to. It's so much fun to write them and share 'em.

Nicole and Molly: 18th May, 1777, Amelia Island, Florida (yes, that's the day, month, and year of a battle fought in Florida)

Now back to your regularly scheduled programming.

'til next time,

Responses to things
10:36 a.m. @ 2002-02-01

"But we in it shall be remember'd; we few, we happy few, we band of brothers ; for he today that sheds his blood with me shall be my brother; be he ne'er so vile, this day shall gentle his condition: and gentlemen in England now a-bed shall think themselves accused they were not here, and hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks that fought with us upon Saint Crispin's day."

- William Shakespeare