i miss you.... - 2003-06-15
"Agreeance?" - 13 June 2003
death - 13 Jun
Yo - 2003-03-23
Hello? - 2002-12-17
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Sara sez:

Dood. This is hard. I've started this thing like, 12 times.

Pammy, I got your package today! I guess actually it came yesterday, but I didn't open it 'till today 'cuz I knew I'd need some happiness today. Thank you!

Sara's Random Happy/Nice Things:

01. Emailing people I haven't emailed in a long time, just to catch up.
02. Surprise sticker packages.
03. Sending people pictures of stuff I think they'll appreciate.
04. Calling Ben when I tell him beforehand that I don't think I'll have time.
05. Sharing songs [especially with Claire,] and then talking about how awesome the musician/music is.
06. Teaching people new things / learning new things. [I should have made that in to two lines soas to elongate this list!]
07. Receiving silly post cards and notes from friends I've been missing.
08. Sending people ['specially Man] business cards from some man who calls himself "Dr. Balloon," and who has a card that sez, "For partys, etc." PARTYS!
09. Hugs [Oman, if there's anything I miss about Mesa, it's the constant shower of hugs I received from my girls.]
10. Giving Jayson tons of new lingo with which to impress the lady-folk.
11. When my friends call and spout off dumb movie lines and then hang up. ["$20 for the rent? No, I think instead I'll spend it on a whore." - "I kinda like her idea."]
12. When customers compliment me on my attitude.
13. When my electricians compliment me on my capabilities.
14. Being reminded/reminding people of old jokes.
15. When people take food off my plate/out of my fridge without asking. [It makes me feel like they know we're cool enough that they don't have to ask if they can have something of mine.]
16. Being able to go into Man's house without knocking.
17. Discovering Eddie Izzard on HBO2 after having not seen him for years. [YAY! Dood, Eddie Izzard is the most hilarious person on the planet.]
18. Not being the first to always email.
19. God painting sunsets for me.
20. Being part of a group that constantly cracks mom jokes.

Seriously, you guys. If When we hang out, do not ask me to borrow anything. Just take/use it. I h8 when my friends ask me if they can borrow stuff. Like I'm gonna be all, "NO, friend. I would really appreciate if you left my shit alone, DICK!" Duh.


'til next time,

Sara's 20 Random Happy/Nice Things
2231 hrs @ 07 Jun

"But we in it shall be remember'd; we few, we happy few, we band of brothers ; for he today that sheds his blood with me shall be my brother; be he ne'er so vile, this day shall gentle his condition: and gentlemen in England now a-bed shall think themselves accused they were not here, and hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks that fought with us upon Saint Crispin's day."

- William Shakespeare