i miss you.... - 2003-06-15
"Agreeance?" - 13 June 2003
death - 13 Jun
Yo - 2003-03-23
Hello? - 2002-12-17
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Sara sez:

Sunny sed: "pick two items from each category in your bio (ex. "things i am": weird, crazy) and explain why it made it to the list. then tell me one thing about you that i wouldn't be able to discover from reading your diary (this part is optional)."

Things I am:
In love with a nerd. - Ben is a self-proclaimed nerd, though I'd agree with him for the most part. But I guess he's really only a nerd in the "extremely smart" way of being a nerd. He doesn't dress nerdy, he doesn't act nerdy. I just like to tease him about being a nerd.
A sister - My sister is so important to me. We really grew up together. Starting from when I was 8/9/10, we were basically on our own. Mom and Tonio hung out in their part of the house, and we hung out in ours. We took care of each other, and I guess for the most part that's still true. She sticks with me through all my school stuff and all my Ben stuff and all my God stuff and all my parental stuff. She's my friend more than anything, and I appreciate that. I love her so much, and even when we fight like the children we used to be, I know we fight purely out of love and respect for each other. I'd go crazy without her.

Things I am not:
Unforgiving - It took me a long time to learn forgiveness. One of the hardest things (I think) about being a Christian is learning to let things go. Learning that if God has forgiven you for your sins, it's okay to forgive yourself. And, it's okay to forgive everyone else. It's always been harder for me to forgive myself, though; I'm very unforgiving towards me. Slowly I've learned that the only way to really be happy is to accept that what's done is done. You can't change it, all you can do is learn from it, forgive (if need be) and move on. (That's why I always tell y'all, A) Don't worry about what you can't fix, and 2) If it isn't going to matter in two days, it shouldn't matter now.)
Ignorant - Definitely not ignorant. My biggest pet peeve is ignorance. I don't claim to know it all, nor will I ever, but I don't speak about what I don't know/understand, and I don't mouth off in ways that make me look stupid. The least I can do for everyone else in the world is accept them as they are. And appreciate our differences.

My anti-list
Anti-people who demand explanations - I cannot stand when people are always asking questions. "Where were you?" "Why do you think that?" (This is okay, in moderation.) I'm 22 years old; I don't have to answer to anyone but God. Stop making me explain myself.
Anti-liars - It's not hard to be honest. I can't handle when people are shitty and lie to me. Or lie to my friends, for that matter. Be an adult!

Those I love:
(I'm skipping God, 'cuz I've covered that. Same with Ben.)
I love Molly. I know she's probably the most well-known of the group, but I love her for so many reasons. She totally pulled me through a really, really tough week. I think she's the most giving person I know. She'd be there for any of us at the drop of a hat, and the funny thing is she has always been that way for me. Even when I didn't know her very well. Molly makes me laugh. We can gab and gossip for hours together, and she has such a quick wit. I absolutely adore that about her. (I'm a sucker for funny people. It's why I love Norm, too.) Molly's really opinionated, but also very open-minded. She accepts everyone for who they are, regardless of if they accept her the same way. She asks a million questions in order to get a feel for what a person is like; she truly goes out of her way to get to know us. I love Mol for a bagillion different reasons, but mostly 'cuz she's gonna be my sex toy in a few years. WOO!
I love Man, too. I'm sad that a lot of you haven't gotten to know her very well, yet, but that time will come. I love Amanda more than I could begin to explain. She's my best friend. I think from the minute we met, she was my best friend. Probably even before that. The day I walked out of the laundry room at school and "A Broken Wing" was playing from her room. She was sitting on her bed writing or drawing or something, and I told her that song rocked. (She has a beautiful voice, btw.) Amanda's probably the strongest, most beautiful woman I've ever seen. She can get me laughing like no one else can, and I don't have to ask her to help; she just does. She understands me and takes care of me, and will always, always be my best friend. She'll always be the girl I sit in coffee houses with, my Trivial Pursuit partner and my lover. (D'oh!) O, and, she's a porn star.

My marriage list:
Ben. I know it's gross, but I guess I've always seen myself marrying him. Scratch that. I've always known I'll marry him. And we've definitely both had our share of wandering hearts, but it's always come back to this. My best friend. My soulmate.

Adam Duritz. Hott. I would marry Adam just so he could sing to me. So I could tour with Counting Crows and he could sing even his saddest songs to me, and I'd sing them back to him 'cuz that's what I've always done.

I think the one thing you wouldn't know about me by reading my diary journal is that I'm funny. I never come across as being very funny in my journal, even when I think I'm being hilarious. But I really do have a sense of humor, and a good one at that. Laughter rules, and I'm good at handing it out.

'til next time,

sara talks a lot - answers
2141 hrs @ 30 Dec

"But we in it shall be remember'd; we few, we happy few, we band of brothers ; for he today that sheds his blood with me shall be my brother; be he ne'er so vile, this day shall gentle his condition: and gentlemen in England now a-bed shall think themselves accused they were not here, and hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks that fought with us upon Saint Crispin's day."

- William Shakespeare