i miss you.... - 2003-06-15
"Agreeance?" - 13 June 2003
death - 13 Jun
Yo - 2003-03-23
Hello? - 2002-12-17
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Though I'd rather not celebrate Christmas, it keeps sneaking up on me. My mom really can't accept that I'd rather not participate in holidays. She seems hurt when I try to go away..and lonely. I'd rather not be that girl, so I stay, and I go through the motions, but that's all they are.

New Year's, however, is far spiritual for me. I'm not talking about the stupid ball, either. I'm talking about the cycle, getting older, life. The Celts (I believe) thought of Halloween as the new year. They didn't believe life was one long line from birth to death, they saw the years as circles. They believed that the new year's eve was a time when "time" was different, and spirits could join the living. They'd make extra food and set it for their dead.

That's kind of how I feel about New Year's. Not so much cooking meals for dead family members, but the spirituality of it all. And my resolutions sure as hell aren't losing weight, and I stick to them. It's a rebirth, I guess.

Anyway, point is: No to Christmas, Yes to New Year's. Plus, Jade, you're the first person I've ever heard acknowledge that Santa Claus and The Birth of Christ are two seperate holidays. Cool.

It's time for me to go to bed and to read some Harry Potter. I'm on the fourth book, and Harry Potter always makes me feel good. Once I finish this one, I'm starting the series again. It's been a long day, I need Hermione (and the others) to comfort me.


'til next time,

About Christmas, and all that
3:50 a.m. @ 2001-12-22

"But we in it shall be remember'd; we few, we happy few, we band of brothers ; for he today that sheds his blood with me shall be my brother; be he ne'er so vile, this day shall gentle his condition: and gentlemen in England now a-bed shall think themselves accused they were not here, and hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks that fought with us upon Saint Crispin's day."

- William Shakespeare